Contradictheory: You Malay one or 1Malaysian?

So that was the original title I had for today's article in The Star. Although I normally give really poor titles and the editors replace them with their own, I thought this one that I had was really on the mark. But I guess it could have been a little incendiary.

It just also upsets me that so much that happens in Parliament that gets attention are people angling for political points and less about the actual job of running the country (which I understand can be pretty tricky in the first place). And what sounds like it matters so much actually doesn't really matter at all.

Yet, I still have faith in the nation. Strange, huh?

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posted on Monday, April 12, 2010 - permalink
Once a dam is built, people behind the project purposefully forget its hidden disaster. Even by realizing that a dam disaster will shatter the lives and dreams of millions, the construction of dams are still going on. Our media, who highlights each and every issue happening around is least bothered to bring lights about this topic. Even the films never considered this as a subject of prominence to tell its audience. It is by this time I noticed a movie DAM 999 is taking its shape portraying this disaster. Being a movie with purpose, the dilapidated dam in this movie tells about its own disaster and after effects. News says this project with a silent warning will hit the screens by December 2010.
Hi Dzof Azmi,

First of all, thank you so much for writing that great article in the Star Sunday edition and using us an example. I cannot agree more with the spirit of the article and your feelings on the subject. I just wanted to set the record straight my wife Hilda ( Tengku Hilda bt Tengku Ahmad) is actually pure ( whatever that means :) ) Malaysian. Her dad is the from the royal family of Kedah and her mum is Sarawakian Malay. As for myself, my heart is Malaysian.
Thanks so much for your article. I, myself, believe I am 1Malaysia. You have a gift of putting words to paper. And for the most of it, I find myself agreeing and supporting your work. Looking forward to more thought provoking strings of sentences.
Wonder why this blog has been silent?
Hi Dzof,

I don't know if you've heard much about what my team and I are trying to do (from MWL, or multiple people within TC), but at least two people mentioned it's worth having a chat with you.

Do let me know if you have some time for me to run you through the korang mentoring vision and how it can potentially help nation building.

It's not ready yet, but I'm operating within many constraints- so, just want to bounce some ideas beyond your official capacity.

I can be reached on
warren.leow[ @]

Have previously spoken to RH and JM briefly when they were in London and are in active contact with WL and RT from LDRMICS.

the courage to speak on your blog....
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In memory of my uncle Shah

My uncle, Shahriza Hussein, passed away on Saturday two weeks ago. It was a tough time for me, and I felt that one of the better things I could do was to write a column about it. It wasn't so much an obituary, as an attempt to make sense of what was running through my head.

I wasn't the only one on cyberspace to have noted his passing:

As I wrote in the article, funerals are more for living; so was my column for that week. I'm not sure what he himself would have made of all this fuss.

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posted on Friday, February 05, 2010 - permalink
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Contradictheory: Is a tame point better than not making one at all?

Today's column was a bit of a tough one. I wanted to write something about the whole what-do-we-call-our-God debate that is currently gripping the nation's politicians, but people told me not to go there.

So I actually started writing about why there were so many single-person vehicles in KL, and that maybe it was because of the lack of trust, and then that would segue into the doughnut story that the people we should really trust is each other, and not those at the top... but I kind of shunted myself into this article.

At the end of the day, I think I got my point made, even it was a little passive. Maybe that's not all bad, 'cos I don't think Fire-Scorched Molotov is a colour scheme I would pick for my front door.


posted on Monday, January 18, 2010 - permalink
read the article, interesting!
the image reminds me of Big Apple Donut. :D
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Facing up to FaceBook

Last Sunday's article was about the problems of privacy, using Facebook as an example, and trying to highlight our new Data Protection Act. I also quietly inserted a paragraph that noted that Governments were exempt from the Act.

The only reaction on the web that I saw about this was at, who said that she wanted to share her stuff - that's the point of Facebook. I don't disagree, but I also hope that my real lconcern was clear: that you didn't have full control of your personal data is a problem. So, yes, you can share it with the world if you want to, but you should also be able to take it away at any time too.

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posted on Monday, January 04, 2010 - permalink
greetings mr.dzof. i'm the owner of the blog mentioned above.

wow! seriously i did not intend to 'formally giving feedback' to your article. if i knew it would get published here in your site, then i would have written a better essay! and do a double-check on vocabs and grammars.

my post is merely a personal thought. it has no connection with your article actually.

neway, i'm a great fan of your writings. looking forward to the next great article! :D
Privacy becomes a problem when you call in sick at work, then have pictures of yourself at a barbecue uploaded.
A social networking site is designed for people in a social environment,yet not a replacement for the office pantry.People seem to forget that.
This is an issue close to my heart. A lot of people think I'm paranoid, but I'm better safe than sorry.
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